Criminal legal system fines and fees, also known as legal financial obligations (LFOs), are monetary penalties that people receive when they become entangled with the criminal legal system. These include fees for court services as well as the costs of incarceration, restitution, and other costs. Because the majority of people who receive LFOs as a part of their sentencing in the court system don’t have money to pay their debt, thousands of people in Washington face cycles of poverty and other harms that impact them and their loved ones. We support efforts to achieve greater safety and well-being for all by eliminating the current LFO system and removing court debt.
Blog Post Legislators must eliminate youth fines and fees
Video/Webinar Testimony in support of eliminating certain mandatory fines and fees (HB 1169)
Blog Post Reflecting on progress and big questions after session
Blog Post Legislators must increase opportunities for legal financial obligations (LFO) relief
Blog Post Reforming Washington’s legal system of fines and fees advances racial and economic justice
Brief/Report It’s time to reform WA’s harmful system of fines and fees
Blog Post Washington state’s debt-based driver’s license suspension laws mirror racist legal system