This week, the Governor has released a number of tax-related proposals. Some raise revenue by closing tax exemptions and loopholes and addressing tax avoidance. Others institute new tax credits and deferrals. The table below provides a list of the 14 proposals made so far (click on it for a larger version). On net, they would provide $86 million in new revenue in the current biennium, an inadequate response to the need. Stay tuned to schmudget for more information and analysis of these proposals.
Note: A Supreme Court decision from September (Dot Foods, Inc. v. Department of Revenue) could have significant revenue implications for the state, but is currently under reconsideration. If the September decision is upheld, it could have a $153.6 million impact in the current biennium. In that event, the Governor has proposed that legislation be passed to clarify and repeal the exemption under consideration. The potential fiscal impact of the decision is not included in the Governor’s budget and her proposal to deal with the decision is not included in the above table.