The Trump administration and the Department of Homeland Security’s new “public charge” rule will wrongly deny many people who are lawfully present in the United States and trying to build a life for themselves the ability to become permanent residents. It will deny many others the ability to enter our country legally if they’re not wealthy.
The rule directs immigration officials to reject applications from individuals who have received, or are judged as more likely to receive, an array of public benefits that help communities put food on the table, find a job, and stay healthy. The rule unjustly makes it harder for non-citizens to obtain green cards or visas to lawfully remain in or enter the United States.
Read the statement from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, “Trump Administration Rule Will Harm Immigrant Families and Ill-Serve America.”
Part of a larger racist and nativist agenda, the rule disproportionately impacts Latinx, Asian, and Pacific Islander communities and contributes to a climate of fear in immigrant communities. As we’ve previously written, the rule would also lead to significant economic and cultural loss across Washington state.
The Trump Administration’s decision to finalize the rule despite more than 260,000 comments in opposition to the original proposal represents a gross disregard for community voice.
The Budget & Policy Center has and will continue to oppose the rule and others like it while continuing to advance policies that lift up all Washingtonians – present and future – who want to build a better life for themselves and their families.
August 13, 2019 update: Our organization supports the National Immigration Law Center as well as cities, counties, states, and other advocacy organizations that plan to file legal challenges to the public charge rule.