Growing evidence shows that cash assistance programs help improve people’s economic security, health and education outcomes, and employment and housing stability. They also help reduce racial inequities that lawmakers created through centuries of racist economic policies designed to funnel wealth to white people and exclude Black, Indigenous, and People of Color from economic and social opportunity. Lawmakers must continue to increase funding for cash assistance programs, which are currently too small a share of the state budget.
Fact Sheet 华盛顿州复苏退税必须 包括移民群体
Fact Sheet Стабилизационные выплаты штата Вашингтон должны охватывать иммигранто
Blog Post Washington state’s Recovery Rebate is part of nationwide momentum to include immigrants
Blog Post Robust cash support will help ensure an inclusive recovery
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Video/Webinar Testimony on the Working Families Tax Credit in the Senate Human Svcs, Reentry & Rehab Cmte
Video/Webinar Testimony on the Working Families Tax Credit in the House Finance Committee
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Fact Sheet It’s time for a Recovery Rebate
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Video/Webinar Webinar: Why cash matters for an equitable economic recovery
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Fact Sheet Cash stimulus must be a part of Washington’s recovery
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