New federal bill to mitigate COVID-19’s economic impact: Three things for Washingtonians to know
It’s a step forward, but plan is inadequate and excludes important members of our communities
By Misha Werschkul - March 27, 2020
Lawmakers made progress to promote economic security, but much more is needed
New policies can start to address the economic crisis we now face
By Evan Walker, Narver policy fellow, Liz Olson, policy analyst, and Melinda Young-Flynn, communications director - March 20, 2020
Lawmakers must continue to support people’s economic security during this public health crisis
Policymakers, advocates can take steps to support economic well-being amid the COVID-19 outbreak
By Margaret Babayan, policy analyst, and Misha Werschkul, executive director - March 09, 2020
Three takeaways from the House and Senate budget proposals
Proposals are a good start, but lawmakers must invest more in communities of color and create new tax revenue
By Margaret Babayan, policy analyst, and Liz Olson, policy analyst - February 26, 2020
The revenue forecast explained in GIFs (and one chart)
What to watch for in the state economic and revenue forecast
By Margaret Babayan, policy analyst, and Misha Werschkul, executive director - February 18, 2020
Stronger local tools are needed to address homelessness
King County payroll tax option is a good start, but more revenue is needed
By Andy Nicholas - February 13, 2020
KIDS COUNT: Invest in assets to build economic security for kids of color
State lawmakers should fund the Communities of Concern Commission
By Liz Olson - February 13, 2020